Your CIMA Questions Answered
For help with any queries you might have regarding the CIMA exams, we have posted our most common queries below.
Click on each query to find out more:
How many exams are there?
In total there are 16 exams across the entire CIMA qualification. Certificate level contains 4 objective test style exams, and operational, management and strategic level each have 3 objective tests and one case study exam.
How do I register with CIMA?
You’ll need to get registered with CIMA before you can sit the exams. Head to the CIMA website to get started.
Check out our Getting Started page for more information on starting your CIMA joruney.
Can I claim exemptions?
If you have previous qualifications, you may be eligible for exemptions from some exams. To check whether you’re eligible, head to the CIMA exemptions guide.
Head to our Getting Started page for more information on starting your CIMA exams.
Where do I complete the exams?
Exams are assessed at Pearson Vue test centres. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected this, so it’s recommended that you check the Pearson Vue website to see if exam centres are open in your area, or if remote examinations are required instead.
How do I book my exams?
To book an exam, you will first need to log in to My CIMA, and then settle any outstanding debts on your account such as membership subscription fees. Once you have done this, you will need to use the ‘Schedule My Exam’ button under the ‘Studying’ tab at the top of the page. You will then be transferred to the Pearson Vue website, where you can begin the booking progress.
Are there any fees involved with joining CIMA and sitting exams?
Yes, there are fees associated with sitting the exams, as well as fees for becoming and remaining a CIMA student and member.
For all information about CIMA fees, head to the CIMA website.
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