CIMA Strategic Case Study

Pass your case study exam with Astranti

Want to pass your CIMA case study exam in the quickest and easiest possible way?

Our CIMA strategic case study course is designed to give you the highest quality teaching, course materials and support to do just that!

Our courses will help you pass with:

+ Expert insights into the pre-seen, key theory revision and detailed guides on how you need to approach the exam to gain extra marks

+ Access to experienced tutors, mentors and markers

+ Seven challenging mock exams and further case study practice questions

However, if a full course isn’t for you, you can also purchase individual course materials and support tailored to your specific needs.

Find our more below, or give us a call or use our live chat to discuss what’s right for you.


Sign up now to get the following:

+ A free mock exam with solutions & debrief video
+ Free access to our sample SCS course hub
+ Our strategic study tips email newsletter

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What our students have to say…

I only have good words for Astranti! I’ve used their Management and Strategic Case Studies, there is no way I could have passed them first time without their materials. Pretty well structured courses, with really good video analysis of the industry and relevant theory. To top it up, the mocks and their feedback were absolutely gold, they really prepare you for the real exam, teaching you how to structure your answer and what you should be writing! I have also used E3,P3 and F3 textbooks. Great quality price, providing easy examples that help you understand the theory they are trying to explain. Thanks Astranti!!!”


CIMA Strategic Case Study Student, January 2021

I have used Astranti for my CIMA SCS exam. It was one of the best tuition courses I have ever had in my long educational journey. The quality of materials and video tutorials are great, as well as the extensive questions bank. What I would like to point out, is the overall comprehensive approach that ensures that you are not only know the theory, but also prepares you for an exam by teaching you how to maximise your chance of success. The mock exam marking and feedback was extremely useful in addressing the weak areas, allowing you to focus your efforts effectively. Needless to say that I have passed the exam successfully”


CIMA Strategic Case Study Student, July 2020