Free CIMA Study Materials
Discover how we can help you pass
We believe in helping everyone pass their CIMA exams.
So whether you purchase our premium courses and materials or simply want to use our free cima study resources, we’ve designed everything we produce to add value to your studies.
Learn more about the free resources available for your studies below, and start your free Astranti membership today!
Free certificate level courses
We’ve always been passionate about helping people to pass their CIMA exams. And with certificate level, we decided to do something drastic. We made all our certificate level CIMA study resources free, with our free BA1, BA2, BA3 and BA4 online courses.
You’ll get access to:
+ Tuition videos & Study texts
+ Exam practice kits
+ Revision notes
+ 3x mock exams
+ Tutor support & Discussion area
+ Certificate advice email newsletter
Our hope is that you love the course content so much, that you choose to stay with us for your professional level studies too!

Free objective test resources
When it comes to passing the OT exams, we have a range of premium courses and CIMA study materials available to buy.
However, we also have a range of free resources, including:
+ 1x free mock exam for each OT exam
+ All materials from the first week of each OT course
+ CIMA advice email newsletters
Create your free account to get started…

Free objective test resources
When it comes to passing the OT exams, we have a range of premium courses and CIMA study materials available to buy.
However, we also have a range of free resources, including:
+ 1x free mock exam for each OT exam
+ All materials from the first week of each OT course
+ CIMA advice email newsletters
Create your free account to get started…
Free case study resources
Every CIMA student needs to pass at least one case study exam to become CIMA-qualified. So, to help we release some free content for every new case study pre-seen.
When you join you’ll get access to:
+ 1x mini mock exam for each case study
+ Detailed solutions for each mini mock exam
+ Mini mock debrief videos
+ Pre-seen highlights videos
+ Sample videos, guides and questions from our premium courses
+ CIMA advice email newsletters
We also provide premium and essentials courses, as well as lots of standalone case study materials – catering for every study budget.

More free CIMA study resources to help you pass…
Once you’ve started your free Astranti membership, and unlocked all our free resources above, you don’t have to stop there!
We’ve got loads more for you, including loads of weekly content on our social media channels.
Explore our wide range of CIMA study advice, interesting insights and the odd amusing accountancy meme, here…