Everything you need to know
about CIMA FLP

There’s something new and exciting in the world of CIMA, and it’s called the CGMA CIMA Finance Leadership Program (FLP).
Whether you’re an existing or potential CIMA student, trust us, you need to know more about it!
CIMA is now offering an additional route to qualification!
We’re guessing that the questions popping into your head about now are:
- What exactly is the CIMA Finance Leadership Programme?
- What will I learn if I choose to take the CGMA / CIMA FLP?
- How is the CIMA FLP route assessed, and is it easier or harder to pass than the traditional qualification?
- What are the CIMA FLP fees?
- Can I transfer to the CIMA FLP route if I’ve already started the traditional qualification?
- Will the CIMA CGMA FLP qualification be valued as highly?
And, you’re right to be doing your research as the path you choose could make a big difference to your exam success, the cost of your CIMA course and potentially your career.
Let’s start at the beginning!
What is CIMA FLP?
Similarities between CIMA FLP and CIMA PQ
How’s CIMA FLP different to CIMA PQ?
How will I be assessed?
How much does CIMA FLP cost?
Benefits of doing CIMA FLP
Drawbacks of doing CIMA FLP
Will CIMA FLP have the same value as CIMA PQ?
FLP vs PQ: Making your decision
Can I switch CIMA FLP providers?
Download Our FREE CIMA FLP Report
Access our free CIMA FLP report for 2025 and learn more about what students are saying about this new route to CIMA qualification! |
What is CIMA FLP?
What is CIMA FLP?
The CIMA Finance Leadership Program is a new, alternative route to becoming CIMA qualified that sits alongside CIMA’s Professional Qualification.
You might be familiar with CIMA’s professional qualification already as it’s the way Chartered Management Accountants have traditionally qualified to become professional members – the course you may well be part way through at the moment.
So why has the CGMA / CIMA FLP been introduced? Put simply, it’s due to growing demand. People want more online learning and assessment, as well as more flexibility, and that’s precisely what the CIMA FLP route provides.
It’s an entirely different approach to learning and assessment allowing you to study AND undertake assessments when YOU want!
Similarities between CIMA FLP and CIMA PQ
Although, as we’ve already mentioned the Finance Leadership Programme (FLP) is very different to CIMA’s Professional Qualification (PQ), there are some important things that are the same. It’s definitely worth considering these elements before commiting to a path!
If you choose to study CGMA CIMA FLP, you will:
- Learn the same material; the CIMA syllabus is the same for both routes
- Sit the same CIMA case study exams as those on the CIMA PQ
- Fulfil the same practical experience requirements (PER) for membership
- Earn the same certificates, status and designatory letters; ACMA and CGMA

How is CIMA FLP different from CIMA PQ?
FLP is different in the way that you:
- Will study
- Are assessed
- Pay your CIMA course fees
First of all, let’s look at the CGMA / CIMA FLP study options available to you. Of which, there are two…
A: CGMA Skills Plus
You’ll learn the content of the CIMA CGMA Finance Leadership Program Syllabus remotely, online, using a system designed and delivered by CIMA called Skills Plus.
Skills Plus includes access to the online learning system that covers the OT equivalent learning, case study notes and entry to the case study exams.
To support this, it also provides learning materials, questions, and video lectures on some subjects, and the package covers the case study exam fees.
Skills Plus is only available to purchase from CIMA which means that you don’t have to study with a training provider.
B: Advanced FLP
Advanced FLP adds on further tutor support, additional videos, live lectures and a wider range of focused support materials.
CIMA provide this advanced service with their Skills Premium FLP, but so do some tuition providers, such as Astranti.
Advanced CIMA FLP products will vary depending on the provider but typically contain significantly more content and support than Skills Plus, particularly for the case study exams.
So, what can you expect from CIMA’s Skills Plus FLP and the advanced FLP options for your competency learning?
Competencies - CGMA Skills Plus FLP
You can expect the following:
- Text explanation of theory
- Video summaries on many topics
- Assessment of the CGMA Finance Leadership Program syllabus
- Knowledge test questions
- Business simulation assignments
Competencies - Advanced FLP
You can expect the following:
- Tutors available to answer technical questions
- Student mentoring: study planning, monitoring and support
- Online study groups so students can work with others in an environment of mutual support
- Additional competency learning support materials
…and what about the same for your case study learning?
Case Studies - CGMA Skills Plus FLP
You can expect the following:
- Pre-seen analysis
- Case study guidance
- 7 mock exams, 2 marked
Case Studies - Advanced FLP
You can expect the following (we’ve used Astranti’s offering as an example):
- 3 live masterclasses (4 hours each) covering:
- the pre-seen
- how to pass the exam
- what to do prior to the exam – final lessons
- Study text and video guides on how to pass the case study
- Pre-seen support guides (produced specifically for each case study)
- comprehensive 5-6 hours of video analysis of the pre-seen
- strategic analysis of the case study pre-seen – written guide, plus video
- top 10 issues guide which is a list of exam scenarios or topics that we think have a reasonable likelihood of appearing in the exam – written pack, plus video
- industry analysis – 70-100 page analysis of the industry the case study business operates in, plus summary video
- pre-seen quiz (knowledge test on key pre-seen facts)
- 7 Astranti mock exams, with detailed solutions and marking guides
- Option to have 3 mocks marked with detailed feedback
- Tutor support
- Student mentoring: a mentor to help you with study planning and provide support
- Online study groups
- The 100-questions video with worked solutions (100 generic practice questions for all pre-seens)
- Ethics pack (focused on how to pass ethics questions – a guide, video and questions)
- Theory review course designed to revise key knowledge from the OTs in a way that applies to the case study
- Key OT topics revision guides
- Key OT topics video guides
How is the CIMA FLP assessed?
This is the biggest surprise of all… you don’t need to sit your ‘Objective Test’ (OT) equivalent exams under exam conditions if you take the CIMA FLP route; in fact, you don’t take OT exams at all!
You still have to take the 3 case study exams, but there are no more big, end-of-course, Objective Tests.
For example, while there used to be four exams for the Certificate level, there are now zero for the CIMA FLP Foundational level, which covers the same content.
Instead, you’re assessed by how well you answer sets of questions embedded into the CIMA learning materials as you work through the course.
The system automatically marks the questions, which provides automated generic feedback instantly.
The CGMA / CIMA FLP assessments are more frequent than OT tests in the traditional route but are much shorter and, of course, don’t have to be taken under exam conditions, meaning you can use your notes to help you answer them.
How much does the CIMA FLP cost?
A: Skills Plus
The CIMA FLP fees are subscription-based, and the prices that CIMA are quoting for ‘CGMA Skills Plus FLP’ are as follows:
1 year | £2,400 |
2 years | £4,080 |
3 years | £6,120 |
That includes everything you would need to qualify: tuition, assessments (including case study exams) and membership fees.
You must be aware though, prices are subject to changes – check the CIMA website for up-to-date pricing.
Although the CIMA FLP fees sound like quite a lot of money, they include all costs; membership fees, learning materials and assessment and exam fees.
And, as you pay on a subscription model, you’ll only pay for the time you need the materials, incentivising you to complete the CGMA / CIMA FLP course at a reasonable pace.
B: Advanced FLP
As we’ve already mentioned, advanced FLP includes the CGMA / CIMA FLP system plus additional tuition materials and support.
This option is available to purchase directly from CIMA or training providers. Advanced FLP is more expensive than the CGMA Skills Plus FLP.
If you opt to study this way, it will cost £3,600 per year with CIMA, and you can expect to pay around the same for a course with a tuition provider (Astranti FLP is available for £2,995 – payable through instalments).
Also look out for the possibility of the training provider allowing instalment payments to spread out the cost and help support you to finance the CIMA FLP fees.
If your training is funded by your employer, email us at enquiries@astranti.com. We can send them our Training Manager’s Guide to the CIMA Finance Leadership Program so you can both consider the benefits and drawbacks of each approach to qualification.
What are the benefits of studying CIMA FLP?
Benefit #1 - The only study timetable you have to stick to is your own!
You can log on to the CIMA Finance Leadership Program learning platform as and when you want, only studying when you have the time and feel ready to learn.
Assessments won’t hold you back or dictate your study schedule either because you no longer have to book them in advance – you’re literally assessed as you learn!
Though, let’s not forget you still have to sit the same case study exam. So, you might want to schedule it so that you have a goal to work towards if you think that will work better for you.
Although you must have completed all relevant learning from the CGMA Finance Leadership Program Syllabus 2 weeks before the exam.
If you can plan, set goals, and are motivated and organised enough to work to deadlines, then the flexibility the CIMA FLP route offers is fabulous.
Benefit #2 - Learn in bite-sized chunks
You may well know that the traditional professional qualification’s approach is to study a whole course’s worth of content (e.g. F1 Finance Accounting), then sit an Objective Test.
Therefore, you need to learn and remember A LOT of complex information and formulae before sitting a demanding exam.
The CIMA FLP route divides each subject into topics (formally known as competencies and skill-sets). Then, each time you log on, you can choose which subject and topic you fancy delving into, read and understand the relevant content, take the assessment questions and move on.
Some aspects of the course have also been streamlined to help your learning. For example, CIMA’s Certificate level in the PQ system contained 4 units, which have been restructured as 3 competencies. These cover the same syllabus, but leave out content CIMA has deemed less relevant to later topics. You won’t have to spend time trying to understand Macroeconomics like Certificate students would, and get more out of your time studying!
The CIMA FLP route is perfect for you if you are busy as you can plan to make better use of your time. For example, perhaps you know that on a certain day you will have just enough time to read a bit of theory but enough time to tackle a longer and more complex topic on another.
Benefit #3 - You could save yourself some money
If you purchase the traditional OT courses from a training provider, you’ll be paying a course fee and maybe even a revision course fee for each subject, as well as CIMA’s exam fees – this can add up to quite a lot! If you take the CIMA FLP route, everything you need is included in the CIMA Finance Leadership Program annual subscription fee.
In addition, you can study as many subjects as you like within your subscription period, so if you progress quickly, the CIMA FLP route could save you a lot of money.
Benefit #4 - You can switch between routes
If you start studying the professional qualification via the traditional route and find it doesn’t meet your needs, you can switch to the CIMA CGMA FLP.
You will receive credit for the corresponding competency area for any objective test and case study exams you have passed. You will not be required to retake anything you’ve already passed.
Similarly, if you decide to switch back to the traditional route from the CGMA FLP, any subjects you have fully completed (e.g. Financial Strategy) would grant you exemptions for the corresponding objective test exam (e.g. F3).
However, be aware that this only applies to your current level – so, if you complete the competencies/subjects in the next level, you won’t be exempted from those exams. For example, if you completed the Strategic subjects before passing your Management Case Study, you would not be exempted from the Strategic objective test exams.
Let’s summarise the benefits… CGMA / CIMA FLP is the most flexible approach to a professional qualification that we know of.
You’ll like CIMA’s online learning platform if you are suited to remote online learning and assessment. The assessment process itself is kinder for those who do not perform well in traditional objective test exams.
If you’re keen to get through CGMA / CIMA FLP as quickly as possible and you’re a fast learner, you could fly through the learning material in record time.
What are the drawbacks of studying CIMA FLP?
Drawback #1 - Remote learning isn't for everyone
If you prefer to learn in person, in a classroom environment led by a tutor, you may struggle with the fully remote learning nature of the CIMA Finance Leadership Program.
If this sounds like you, you could overcome this drawback by finding a mentor for support, such as a friend, colleague or tutor.
But, if you thrive in the classroom study environment, don’t forget you can also choose to study via CIMA’s Professional Qualification route, which may be better suited to you.
Drawback #2 - Budgeting for CIMA’s subscription fee
The CIMA Finance Leadership Program may be less accessible for those on a very tight budget.
The annual CGMA FLP fee has to be paid upfront every year as CIMA provides no option to pay via an instalment plan. However, this does include case study exam credits, and CIMA offer reduced annual rates if you opt to pay for two or three years at once.
With that being said, if you’re self-funding, you may find this tricky, and if you progress slower than anticipated and have to subscribe every year, it could work out to be less cost-effective.
Note: If paying upfront is a barrier for you, then instalment options are available if you choose to join Astranti’s Advanced FLP – visit our FLP page to learn more.
Let’s summarise the drawbacks…
CIMA’s FLP is fully remote so you may find yourself feeling isolated, undirected and stuck if you ordinarily need, or even prefer, the guidance and support of a training provider.
You have to pay CIMA’s annual subscription fee, so any additional purchases come at an additional cost.
The FLP competencies do not match up directly with the PQ modules, so if you switch back to the PQ route without completing every competency for the level you’re on, you’ll need to complete all of the OT exams for that level – effectively starting the level again!
Will the CIMA FLP route have the same value as the traditional route?
With an excellent and comprehensive syllabus and three tough barriers to qualification in the case studies, CGMA / CIMA FLP is likely to be just as highly regarded as the traditional route. CIMA says they work closely with employers and sponsors and respond to their needs by constantly evolving and updating their professional qualifications and experience requirements.
So, we can assume that the introduction of CGMA / CIMA FLP has been led by the needs of businesses and their people. Furthermore, employers tend to take most notice of the qualifications people get at the end and not how they got there, and CIMA is a highly respected qualification that employers will continue to trust.
Remember, employers are more interested in your ability to apply what you’ve learnt in your job to help the business achieve its goals than how you learnt it. So we don’t think you need to worry about which approach to take in this regard, as CIMA is very well respected and is always likely to be.
CIMA FLP or the traditional route: Making your decision
By now you’ll be well aware that there are quite a few differences between the two routes!
But, because it was a lot of information to take in at once, let’s recap…
Professional Qualification (Traditional route) | CIMA Finance Leadership Program (FLP) | |
Syllabus | Students follow the same CIMA syllabus | |
Learning options | Classroom, online or a combination of both |
Online learning using the CIMA platform Plus optional extras from training providers |
Study provider | You choose a training provider |
CIMA provision with Skills Plus Plus optional premium FLP top-up from CIMA or other training providers |
Assessment | Objective tests are taken at the end of each subject under supervised (exam) conditions | Around five OT style questions after each short area of study (roughly every 45 minutes) – not under exam conditions |
Case study | All students sit the same case study exams | |
Cost |
CIMA annual membership fee and assessment fees Learning fees (depending on the method of study) |
Annual CIMA FLP fees (covers learning, assessment and student membership) Cost of any optional, additional top-up support |
Certificates | A certificate is issued when each level (e.g. operational) is completed | A certificate is issued when each “competency” is completed, as well as each level |
Practical experience requirements (PER) | The PER requirements for full membership are the same | |
Awards |
Become a Chartered Management Accountant Designatory letters awarded for full membership are the same |
Professional Qualification (Traditional route) | |
Syllabus | Students follow the same CIMA syllabus as FLP |
Learning options | Classroom, online or a combination of both |
Study provider | You choose a training provider |
Assessment | Objective tests are taken at the end of each subject under supervised (exam) conditions |
Case study | All students sit the same case study exams as FLP |
Cost | CIMA annual membership fee and assessment fees Learning fees (depending on the method of study) |
Certificates | A certificate is issued when each level (e.g. operational) is completed |
Practical experience requirements (PER) | The PER requirements for full membership are the same as FLP |
Awards | Become a Chartered Management Accountant Designatory letters awarded for full membership are the same as FLP |
CIMA Finance Leadership Program (FLP) | |
Syllabus | Students follow the same CIMA syllabus as PQ |
Learning options | Online learning using the CIMA platform Plus optional extras from training providers |
Study provider | CIMA provision with Skills Plus Plus optional premium FLP top-up from CIMA or other training providers |
Assessment | Around five OT style questions after each short area of study (roughly every 45 minutes) – not under exam conditions |
Case study | All students sit the same case study exams as PQ |
Cost | Annual CIMA FLP fees (covers learning, assessment and student membership) Cost of any optional, additional top-up support |
Certificates | A certificate is issued when each “competency” is completed, as well as each level |
Practical experience requirements (PER) | The PER requirements for full membership are the same as PQ |
Awards | Become a Chartered Management Accountant Designatory letters awarded for full membership are the same as PQ |
So, in short, the CGMA / CIMA FLP will be the best choice for you if you are focused, capable of self-directed learning, and want to be qualified as quickly as possible.
Conversely, if you are someone that needs a bit of a push to make your way through your qualification, FLP might offer you the motivation you need as you’ll get access to the FLP platform for a limited time, giving you a deadline to get through your studies.
It is also likely to be the best choice if you struggle with objective testing, as there are no objective test exams.
However, if online learning is not something that you’d consider – perhaps you prefer to be in a classroom environment – then FLP probably isn’t right for you.
Hopefully, this page has answered any burning questions you may have about the new CIMA CGMA Finance Leadership Program! But, if you still have any other questions concerning FLP post them in the comments box below and we’ll get back to you!
Complete our quiz to see which qualification route is right for you:
1 of 6: In terms of motivation, would you prefer to work towards big exams every 2-3 months, or take mini-assessments every 1-2 hours straight after studying a subject?
2 of 6: How stressful do you find taking major exams?
3 of 6: How good are you at home study?
4 of 6: How much would the option to switch between subjects whilst you’re studying be attractive to you? (e.g. completing E-pillar and F-pillar subjects simultaneously to add more variety to your studies)
5 of 6: How affordable for you is it to pay £2,400 to £3,600 per year to study FLP directly with CIMA or £173 per month (plus an £800 deposit) for the Astranti FLP instalment plan?
6 of 6: Are you willing to commit to either CIMA or Astranti as a single provider for a whole year, which is needed for FLP?
My CIMA FLP subscription is up for renewal. Can I switch providers?
If you’ve started your CIMA FLP journey and are approaching the end of your current subscription period, you have a few options ahead.
With any luck, you’ll be content with your existing CIMA FLP tuition provider, whether you’ve opted for CIMA’s own tuition or one of CIMA’s approved FLP providers.
However, you may want to switch FLP providers at this point. Perhaps you need more support and study resources than you are currently getting, or maybe you don’t need so much…
If this is you, you’ll be glad to hear that you can switch!
Now, you’ll need to stick with your current provider until the end of your agreed subscription, but once you have reached the end of that, there is nothing stopping you from switching providers (or even switching back to the PQ route if you want!).
If you need help with your switch, you can always contact your new provider to explain your decision to make the switch, and they may be able to support you through this transition.
Also, it’s worth noting that you may need to contact your existing CIMA FLP provider to cancel any automatic renewal they may have in place.
Common questions:
How long does it typically take to complete the CIMA FLP qualification?
The CIMA FLP typically takes around 18 months to 3 years to complete, depending on the student’s prior experience, commitment, and study pace. The flexible structure allows students to study at their own speed, making the duration variable.
What are the key factors that can influence the duration of completing the CIMA FLP?
Key factors include the student’s academic background, professional experience, weekly study time, personal motivation, effective study habits, external commitments, and available support resources. These elements collectively influence the overall time required to complete the FLP.
What study resources and support are available to help me complete the CIMA FLP efficiently?
Astranti provides extensive online learning materials, interactive modules, practice questions, case studies, regular assessments, and feedback. Additional support from Astranti includes access to tutors, mentors, peer study groups, and organisational sponsorship, all of which enhance learning efficiency and aid in timely completion.
More useful resources on this topic:
CGMA Finance Leadership Program – thecimastudent.com
FLP, What’s It All About? – mjthetutor.com
Watch: The Pros & Cons of the CIMA Finance Leadership Programme – @Craigo on YouTube
Watch: CIMA Finance Leadership Programme (FLP) | Pros and Cons – @Astranti on YouTube
CIMA FLP Foundational: Everything you need to know – astranti.com
What you'll get with Astranti FLP
Astranti is part of an exclusive group of approved CGMA FLP providers!
With Astranti FLP you’ll get:
+ Access to CIMA’s FLP platform
+ The Astranti FLP library
+ Astranti’s premium case study courses
+ Tutor and Mentor support throughout
+ The option to pay your FLP fees over 12 months

Holly Dymmock
Customer Service and Mentoring Supervisor
I hope you’ve found this guide on CIMA FLP useful – but if you’ve got any further questions, leave a message and I’d be happy to help!
Illustration by Storyset.