The team here at Astranti are proud to help thousands of students around the world pass their professional accountancy qualifications every year. We produce consistently high-quality study materials so that students feel supported and confident in passing their exams.
The demand for our online study notes, mock exams and training videos has grown significantly in recent years and we are looking for talented and committed people to help us to continue that growth.
Here’s what Astranti people are like:
- A willingness to go the extra mile with a positive ‘can do’ attitude
- Good communication skills
- Team players who support their colleagues
- Continuously seeking to learn and improve
- Ambitious to progress in the business.
Freelance tutor
We are looking for new tutors to teach a range of CIMA subjects.
Our online courses are all undertaken from home, which means you avoid travelling time to and from a college and can be working from home from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a fast internet connection and a suitable quiet location.
Qualities of great tutors include:
• An ability to take complex topics and summarise them simply and clearly
• Being technically strong in your chosen subjects – good preparation will be key!
• An enthusiasm and passion for teaching
• A desire to support and help students
• A qualified (or soon to be qualified) accountant
• Clear speaking voice with excellent English grammar.
Freelance writer
Writers produce our course notes, mock exams, objective test questions, case study industry analysis and other course materials.
Qualities of great writers include:
• Excellent grammar (as good as a native English speaker)
• Strong technical knowledge
• A clear, concise writing style
• Able to write in a fun, interesting and engaging way
• A reasonably quick writer/typist
• An ability to work towards and hit deadlines.
Freelance marker
Our markers review student scripts with the aim of providing clear, concise and accurate feedback for students to help them learn and improve. Our aim is to provide market-leading feedback with highly detailed and specific feedback focused on getting students to pass their exams.
As well as marking the student’s script, markers are often also asked questions by students in relation to those scripts and how to score more highly. They will also have the opportunity to become part of our team who provide guidance to course students on our online forum.
Qualities of great markers include:
• A desire to support and guide students to help them learn
• An ability to be precise and follow specific approaches to marking to ensure consistency from script to script
• Strong technical ability
• The ability to be able to work to deadlines to ensure student scripts are returned promptly.