ACCA Strategic Business Leader
ACCA SBL pre-seen pack
The pre-seen is at the heart of every case study exam, and to secure a pass, you must be confident that you fully understand the company and its industry.
Why? Well, the examiner expects nothing less than your ability to put EVERYTHING you’ve learned into the context of the pre-seen scenario.
However, with only two weeks to prepare once the pre-seen is released, your time is precious!
Over the years, we’ve helped tens of thousands of students pass their case study exams, and our team of case study experts knows exactly what it takes to pass. In creating our pre-seen pack, they have put in a lot of the hard work for you, crafting a comprehensive pack that analyses the case in detail.
All in all, the pack has been designed with one thing in mind. To boost your chances of passing.
We’re keen to establish ourselves as one of the go-to ACCA SBL tuition providers, and we hope you love our material so much you won’t help but recommend our packs to others and consider upgrading to our course if you are struggling to pass and want personal support to get through this exam.
For that reason, we’re giving away the entire pre-seen-industry analysis section from our pre-seen pack, which will be free to access shortly after the pre-seen has been released!
Read on to learn more about our full pre-seen pack…

Countdown to the June ACCA SBL pre-seen release day:
“I passed SBL with 94% and I owe it to the Astranti pre-seen analysis and mock exams. The pre-seen analysis was a real game changer for me. Until then, I was doing past-papers but I always felt I could not get enough marks due to misunderstanding certain aspects in the scenarios. I watched the pre-seen analysis videos 3 or 4 times before the exam and thanks to Astranti I knew exactly how to interprete every little piece of info they were providing in the pre-seen. I made sure I used it all on the exam day, along with the exhibits, to answer the questions given. I’m so happy and grateful to the person who recommended Astranti to me just a couple of weeks before the exam. And of course, I am grateful to the Astranti tutors who created this amazing material and got me this unbelievable result!”

Maximise your marks
Expert insights from experienced tutors
Highlights the most important points
Focus on what’s most likely to gain marks

Minimise study time
Focus your study time on the key topics
Comprehensive analysis saving hours of research
Makes the connections with the theory for you
Great value!
Comprehensive pre-seen analysis videos
Plus strategic analysis and top 10 most likely exam issues
And a completely free pre-seen-industry analysis!
Pre-seen pack content
Pre-seen analysis
It’s vital that you fully analyse your pre-
Our pre-
Strategic analysis
It’s extremely important that you have the ability to identify how the pre-
It can be hard to fully analyse a company using models you’ve only recently learned and be confident you’ve got it right. Our strategic analysis has done the hard work for you!
Top 10 most likely issues
The top 10 issues identifies the 10 most likely issues to appear in the exam. Our ACCA SBL expert gives guidance on how to deal with the issues in your answers, provides advice on which models to use and key points you should raise.
This product includes:
- 10 detailed “could be” issues that may come up in the exam and guidance on how to deal with them in your answer including advice on which models to use and key points you should raise
- The video provides our expert’s analysis of why that issue is so important and how to apply it to the exam
Industry analysis
While you don’t need to do further industry research to pass this exam, we believe a wider industry knowledge will enable you to provide better advice based on what’s happening in the real world. And that’s what the examiners want – practical, real-life advice applicable to the case study company.
Our expert team has spent hours researching the industry for you, finding the information to help you achieve a wider perspective of the industry.
This analysis document includes:
- A quick overview of the industry and its background
- A review of the current market and competitors
Note: The Industry Analysis is available for free when you create your Astranti account!
The March 2025 pre-seen: Historic Places
The March 2025 ACCA SBL pre-seen focused on a charity called Historic Places.
Before the exam, we recommended that students familiarised themselves with the Historic Places pre-seen material inside and out. This would save them precious time in the exam – time that could instead be used for constructing points that would earn marks!
Watch the first video from our comprehensive Historic Places pre-seen analysis pack, where our ACCA tutor took a first look at the Historic Places pre-seen and began to pick out all the key information…
What our students say
Please see our testimonials page for our latest student reviews. Here are a couple of examples:
“Definitely recommend them for SBL (first time pass). The case was broken down in a way that helped me understand and remember. The analysis was worked on thoroughly and the team worked very hard to produce the best.”
“I want to say a big thank for pre-seen materials, I even can’t expect to pass the exam with 59 mark, it was my 3rd time, and I can say that I really struggle with fast writing, but mostly due to my English level, that I need to improve. But all pre-seen materials helped me so well that I noticed that my writing was really faster and I spent less time to think about each point. I was happy with how I did the exam and now I happy with result. Thank you for your work.“
“SBL Pre-seen pack analysis videos did help me a lot in understanding the case study and I was able to pass this exam! The analysis covered most of the theories in SBL and guidance on how to apply them on issues that may come on during the exam.
A million thanks:)“
Get your pre-seen analysis materials
Free Industry Analysis
(June 2025)
Sign up for free access!
Pre-seen Analysis
(June 2025)
Strategic Analysis
(June 2025)
Top 10 Issues Analysis
(June 2025)
Complete Pre-seen Analysis Pack
(June 2025)
+ Pre-seen Analysis
+ Strategic Analysis
+ Top 10 Issues Analysis
+ Industry Analysis
Note: Your pre-seen materials will be available within a week of the release of the ACCA pre-seen for your chosen exam sitting. If you sign up before this, we’ll let you know via email when they can be accessed via our online studyHUB.